As covered by the Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Retirement Plan you may be entitled to receive Line-of-Duty Disability benefits. Your aches and pains, reduced body function and mobility and other disablement that was incurred from League football activities would be covered by this.
So how do you know if you qualify for Line-of-Duty Disability benefits?
If you incurred a “substantial disablement arising out of League football activities.” The “substantial disablement” must have persisted or be expected to persist for at least 1 year from the date of its occurrence.
League football activities? What are those?
In simple terms, they include:
- Pre-Season games
- Regular Season games
- Post-Season games
- All required or directed football activities supervised by an NFL team, such as practice.
You might wonder if there is a formula for determining the benefit amount you may receive. Actually, there is. If you qualify for Line-of-Duty Disability benefits, you will receive a benefit amount equal to the greater of (a) the sum of your Player Benefit Credits as of the date the disability occurs or (b) $3,000. Player Benefit Credits are obtained for each Credited Season earned. To earn a Credited Season, you must have been on an Active List, Injured Reserve List, or Physically Unable to Perform List (PUP) for three or more games. See complete Line-of-Duty benefits chart below
Your benefits will be paid for the duration of your “substantial disablement” but not for longer than 7 ½ years (90 months).
There is a statute of limitations that determines when you are eligible to apply for the Line-of-Duty benefits. It may sound complicated, but it really isn’t. Any claim for Line-of-Duty Disability benefits must be submitted in writing to the Retirement Board within the greater of (a) 4 years or (b) a number of years equal to the number of Credited Seasons you have accrued. These deadlines are calculated from the date you cease to be an Active Player in the League. For example, if you have 10 Credited Seasons, you will be able to apply for Line-of-Duty Disability benefits at any time up to 10 years after you cease to be an Active Player. An exception to this rule is made if you are found to be physically or mentally incapacitated during this time.
If you think you qualify, let us help you get the financial support you are entitled to receive.
Give us a call at 954-385-1245 or fill in the Player Information Form.
Line of Duty Disability
If you incur a substantial disablement arising out of League football activities (but you are not totally and permanently disabled), you may be eligible for “Line of Duty” disability benefits.
Minimum benefit: 100% of benefit credits but not less than $3,000/month
Duration of payments: 7-1/2 years
Application time: Greater of four (4) years or the number of years equal to your Credited Seasons. For example, if you are a player with 10 Credited Seasons will be able to apply for Line of Duty benefits at any time up to 10 years after you cease to be an Active Player.
Workers Compensation: No off-set